Law of Environmental Protection
For nearly four decades, Law of Environmental Protection has served private, public, nonprofit, and academic practitioners, scholars, educators, students, and more as an invaluable resource on environmental law in the United States. Written by highly experienced attorneys, environmental program administrators, and legal scholars, the treatise features:
- In-depth explanations and breakdowns of key pollution prevention statutes such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, conservation laws governing natural resources, and procedural requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act and other regimens.
- Examination of the permitting systems, EPA review programs, licensing, and other key procedural matters involving EPA and other relevant agencies.
- Pragmatic considerations spanning audits and assessments, reporting and record-keeping requirements, and lender liability issues.
- Exploration of emerging areas of the law and their significance for a wide range of practitioners and clients, including bioengineering, climate change, and space resources.
New features and recent developments in the Fall 2022 update include:
- Updated Chapter 8. Environmental Audits/Assessments – comprehensive overview of developing a robust audit/assessment program and the associated benefits and discussion of both environmental evaluations and auditing.
Go further with these exclusive blogs, podcasts, and articles by LEP authors and the ELI team:
- Blog on Capturing All the (Tax) Credit: Carbon Capture & Storage by Oil and Gas author Tara Righetti, proposing a Class II pathway to the enhanced 45Q tax credit for carbon capture and storage.
- Environmental audits/Assessments author Frank Friedman explains the bottom-line advantages of strong EHS and sustainability programs in The Argument for Environmental Assessments, Part I and Part II.
- Air author Steven I. Addlestone examines the EPA's changing approach to §112(r) of the Clean Air Act in Welcome to the Regulatory Arcade: A Ping-Pong Approach to EPA’s Risk Management Program Rule.
- Read A Bounty of Benefits on societal advantages flowing from genetic engineering by Bioengineering authors Stanley Abramson and Karen Carr.
- Blog on Leveraging CERCLA for Environmental Justice, companion piece to the Soil and Groundwater chapter, by ELI intern Crystal Zhao.
- Blog on Carbon Capture & Storage, companion piece to the Oil and Gas chapter, by ELI intern Grace Parker.
- Tune into Season 3, Episode 17, of People Places Planet Podcast for an interview with the authors of the Climate Change chapter about federal, state and local adaptation.
- Climate Change authors Elizabeth Kronk Warner and Heather Tanana explore Tribes Leading the Way.
- Climate Change author Hana V. Vizcarra explains Climate Change Risk Disclosure.
- Read an excerpt to the Space Resources chapter, as adapted for ELR--The Environmental Law Reporter, and tune into Season 3, Episode 13, of People Places Planet Podcast for an interview with the authors.
The Law of Environmental Protection is available for purchase from Thomson Reuters.
Note: ELR subscribers can access a pdf of the treatise here.