- From Fragility to Resilience: Managing Natural Resources in Fragile States in Africa. (African Development Bank 2016) (in English and French)
- Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Nigeria: Recommendations to Address Mercury and Lead Exposure (2014); Executive Summary (2014)
- Challenges and Opportunities for Aquaculture Co-Management: Lessons Learned from Case Studies (2010)
- Assessment of the Legal, Scientific, and Institutional Frameworks for Biodiversity Protection in the Republic of Liberia (2007)
- A Toolkit for Environmental Advocacy in Africa (2004)
- African Perspectives on Genetic Resources: A Handbook on Laws, Policies, and Institutions (2003)
- Harnessing Consumer Power: Using Certification Systems to Promote Good Governance (2003)
- Natural Resource Valuation and Damage Assessment in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis (2003)
- Role of public participation and access to information in the management of transboundary watercourses” (chapter published in International Waters in Southern Africa, edited by Mikiyasu Nakayama) (2003)
- African Environmental Governance: Opportunities at the Regional, Subregional, and National Levels” (part of a chapter in a book on African Environmental Law and Policy published by Earthscan in 2001)
- Constitutional Environmental Law: Giving Force to Fundamental Principles In Africa (2000)
- The Aarhus Convention as a Model for Advancing Citizen’s Rights in Africa (2000)
- Regional Opportunities for Improving Environmental Governance Through Access to Information, Public Participation, and Access to Justice (2000)
- Les Opportunites Regionales D’Amelioration de la Gestion des Affaires Publiques en Matiere D’Environnment Grace a L’Acces a L’Information a la Participation du Public et a L’Acces a la Justice (2000)
- "Constitutional rights key to environmental protection in Africa" (The Environmental Forum, January/February 2000)
- "Africa projects expand ELI’s international scope" (The Environmental Forum, September/October 1999)
General ELI Publications
- Liability For Environmental Damage (1995)
- Practical Approaches to Implementing Environmental Laws: Getting from Here to There (1993)
- Information Access Mechanisms: Collecting and Disseminating the Information Necessary for Environmental Protection (1993)
- The Role of the Citizen in Environmental Enforcement (1992)
- Public Participation in Environmental Regulation (1991)
- Setting Standards: The “Best Available Technology” Option (1991)
- Environmental Impact Assessment: Integrating Environmental Protection and Development Planning (1991)