Environmental Peacebuilding Program Publications

Environmental Peacebuilding Program Publications

Primer on Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Peacebuilding, by Carl Bruch, Amanda Woomer, et al. 

Deforestación y Derecho: Manual para el abordaje judicial de la deforestación en Colombia, by Carl Bruch, Kristine Perry, et al.

Carl Bruch et al., Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Natural Resources: The Promise and The Peril (Cambridge University Press 2016) (in progress).

Carl Bruch et al. (eds.), Governance, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2016) (in progress).

Ilona Coyle & Carl Bruch, From Fragility to Resilience: Managing Natural Resources in Fragile States in Africa. (African Development Bank 2016) (in English and French).

Helen Young & Lisa Goldman (eds.), Livelihoods, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2015).

Lisa Goldman & Helen Young, Policy Brief No. 10: Managing Natural Resources for Livelihoods (Environmental Law Institute 2015).

Erika Weinthal, Jessica Troell, & Mikiyasu Nakayama (eds.), Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2014).

Carl Bruch et al., Post-Conflict Peace Building and Natural Resources, in Ole Kristian Fauchald, David Hunter, and Wang Xi (eds.), Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. 19, 2008 (Oxford University Press 2009), reprinted in Richard A. Matthew (ed.), Environmental Security (SAGE Publications 2014).

Peacebuilding and Natural Resources Policy Brief No. 4: Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, by Erika Weinthal, Jessica Troell, & Mikiyasu Nakayama (2014).

Peacebuilding and Natural Resources Policy Brief No. 8: Natural Resource Programming in Post-Conflict Situations, by Ilona Coyle, Carl Bruch, David Jensen, and Alec Crawford (2014).

Environmental Peacebuilding Update - a biweekly summary of new publications, events, announcements, jobs, blogs, and news on environmental peacebuilding, published by ELI and UNEP and circulated to more than 2,300 researchers, practitioners, and decisionmakers (29 issues; Jan. 2014 – present).

Patrick Woolsey & Carl Bruch, Environmental Peacebuilding: Constructing a More Durable Peace, Building Peace (blog) (August 15, 2014).

Peacebuilding and Natural Resources Policy Brief No. 1: High-Value Natural Resource Management and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, by Paivi Lujala & Siri Aas Rustad (2013).

Peacebuilding and Natural Resources Policy Brief No. 2: Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, by David Jensen & Steve Lonergan (2013).

Peacebuilding and Natural Resources Policy Brief No. 3:  Land and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, by Jon Unruh & Rhodri C. Williams (2013).

Jon Unruh & Rhodri C. Williams (eds.), Land and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2013).

Blake D. Ratner et al., Addressing Conflict through Collective Action in Natural Resource Management: A Synthesis of Experience. CAPRi Working Paper No. 112 (2013).

Carl Bruch, David Jensen, Mikiyasu Nakayama, & Jon Unruh, Human Conflict: Targeting Natural Resources (Letters) 337 Science 291-292 (July 20, 2012).

David Jensen & Steve Lonergan (eds.), Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2012).

Carl Bruch, Ross Wolfarth, & Vladislav Michalcik, Natural Resources, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and Regional Integration: Lessons from the Marshall Plan and Other Reconstruction Efforts, in David Jensen & Steve Lonergan (eds.), Assessment and Restoration of Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2012).

Carl Bruch et al., International Law, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding:  From Rio to Rio+20 and Beyond, 21(1) Rev. Eur. Community and Int’l Envtl. L.44-62 (2012), excerpted and reprinted as Carl Bruch et al., Peacebuilding and Natural Resources, 29(4) Envtl. F. 48-55 (2012).

Carroll Muffett & Carl Bruch, Introductory Comments: The Pervasive, Persistentand Profound Links Between Conflict and the Environment, 12(1) Sustainable Development L. & Pol’y 4-6 (2012), www.wcl.american.edu/org/sustainabledevelopment/documents/SDLPNaturalResourceConflicts.pdf

Sandra S. Nichols, Päivi Lujala, & Carl Bruch, When Peacebuilding Meets the Plan: Natural Resources Governance and Post-Conflict Recovery, 12(1) Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations 11-26 (2011).                                                                                                   

Carl Bruch & Akiva Fishman, Institutionalizing Peacebuilding: The UNCC, Conflict Resources, and the Future of Natural Resources in Transitional Justice, in Peter H. Sand & Cymie Payne (eds.), Environmental Liability: Gulf War Reparations and the UN Compensation Commission (Oxford University Press 2011).

Päivi Lujala & Siri Aas Rustad (eds.), High-Value Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Earthscan 2011).

Carl Bruch, Mikiyasu Nayakama, & Ilona Coyle, Harnessing Natural Resources for Peacebuilding: Lessons from U.S. and Japanese Assistance – A Guide to Managing Natural Resources after Conflict (Environmental Law Institute 2011), translated into Japanese: 天然資源を平和に活かすために:日米の援助からの教訓 – 紛争後の平和構築に向けた 天然資源の管理ガイド.

Carl Bruch, Mikiyasu Nakayama and Ilona Coyle (editors), Harnessing Natural Resources for Peacebuilding: Lessons from U.S. and Japanese Assistance. (Environmental Law Institute, 2011).

Michael Bothe, Carl Bruch, Jordan Diamond, & David Jensen, International Law Protecting the Environment during Armed Conflict: Gaps and Opportunities92(879) International Review of the Red Cross 569-592 (2010), reprinted as Droit international protégeant l’environnement en période de conflit armé: Lacunes et opportunités, Revue International de la Croix-Rouge; Débat humanitaire: Droit, politiques, action; Sélection Française 273-300.

Environmental Law Institute and University of Oxford, Assessment of the Legal, Scientific, and Institutional Frameworks for Biodiversity Protection in the Republic of Liberia (United Nations Environment Programme 2007) (supported and funded by UNEP’s Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch).

Carl Bruch, Closing Remarks: The International Responses to the Environmental Impacts of War, 17 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 643 (2005).

Jay E. Austin & Carl E. Bruch, Legal Mechanisms for Addressing Wartime Damage to Tropical Forests, 16(3/4) J. Sustainable Forestry 167 (2003), reprinted in Steven V. Price (ed.), War and Tropical Forests: Conservation in Areas of Armed Conflict 167 (2003).

Carl E. Bruch, All’s Not Fair in (Civil) War: Criminal Liability for Environmental Damage from Internal Armed Conflicts, 25 Vt. L. Rev. 695 (2001).

Jay E. Austin & Carl E. Bruch (eds.), The Environmental Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2000).

Carl E. Bruch & Jay Austin, The 1999 Kosovo Conflict: Unresolved Issues in Addressing the Environmental Consequences of War, 30 Environmental Law Reporter 10069 (2000), excerpted in David Hunter et al. International Environmental Law and Policy 1397-1400 (2d ed. 2002).

Carl E. Bruch, An Overview of Legal Mechanisms for Conserving Biodiversity During Armed Conflict, in Esther Blom et al. (eds.), Nature in War: Biodiversity Conservation during Conflicts 141 (Netherlands Commission for International Nature Protection, 2000).

Jay Austin & Carl Bruch, The Greening of Warfare, 15(6) Envtl. F. 32 (1998), reprinted as Jay Austin & Carl Bruch, The Greening of Warfare, Developing International Law and Institutions to Limit Environmental Damage During Armed Conflict, Environmental Law Institute Research Brief No. 7 (June 1999).

Annotated Bibliography , First International Conference on Addressing Environmental Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspectives (Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute, 1998).

Addressing Environmental Consequences of War (Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute, 1998) (Background Paper for the First International Conference on Addressing Environmental Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspectives).

Deborah Sandler, et al. (eds.), Protecting the Gulf of Aqaba: A Regional Environmental Challenge (ELI, 1993).