Marine Spatial Planning & Ecosystem-Based Management
Implementing MSP & EBM
- Legal Tools for Strengthening Marine Protected Area Enforcement: A Handbook for Developing Nations (2016)
- Legal Context for Nearshore Marine Spatial Planning in Bermuda (2016)
- Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities (2015)
- Geospatial NEPA: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Kathryn J. Mengerink, Nov/Dec 2012)
- Coastal & Marine Spatial Planning: Legal Considerations (2010)
- Marine Spatial Planning in U.S. Waters: An Assessment and Analysis of Existing Legal Mechanisms, Anticipated Barriers, and Future Opportunities (2009)
- Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management: Implementation Handbook (2009)
- Expanding the Use of Ecosystem-Based Management in the Coastal Zone Management Act (2009)
- Marine Conservation in Hawai'i (2008)
- Ecosystem-Based Management in the Gulf of Maine: U.S. Legal and Institutional Considerations
Managing Arctic Offshore Resources
- Climate & Communities: Conducting Marine Research in a Changing Arctic (2014)
- Environmental Law Reporter Special Issue: Arctic Offshore Natural Resources Management (2013)
- Jordan Diamond, Greta Swanson & Kathryn Mengerink, Rights and Roles: Alaska Natives and Marine Subsistence Resources, 8 Florida A&M L. Rev. 219 (2013) [requires journal database access]
- Handbook on the National Ocean Policy and CMSP in the Arctic (2011)
Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture
- Offshore Aquaculture Regulation Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act (2013)
- Offshore Aquaculture Regulation Under the Clean Water Act (2012)
- Comment Letter to NOAA and the USDA on Aquaculture Research and Development (2012)
- Gold Standard Evaluation: Whole Foods Market Aquaculture Purchasing Standards (2008)
- Gold Standard for Sustainable Aquaculture Ecolabel Design: Technical Report (2008)
- Reducing Overfishing Through Traceability (Read D. Porter, Mar/Apr 2013)
- Enforcement and Compliance Trends Under IFQ Management in the Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Fishery (2012)
- Seafood Certification based on FAO Guidelines and Code of Conduct: A Credible Approach? (2012)
- Fisheries Observers as Enforcement Assets: Lessons from the North Pacific
(Marine Policy, 2010) - Reassessing the Value of U.S. Coast Guard At-Sea Fishery Enforcement
(Ocean Development & International Law, 2009)
Ocean Industry and Energy
- A Guide to State Management of Offshore Wind Energy in the Mid-Atlantic (2013)
- Toward Comprehensive Regional Ocean Governance in the Mid-Atlantic: A Primer on Regional Interests, Challenges, and Approaches, 6 Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal 6 (2013)
- Delaware Offshore Alternative Energy Framework Review and Recommendations (2011)
- Maryland Offshore Energy Framework (2009)
- Virginia Offshore Energy Development Law and Policy Review and Recommendations (2008)
Gulf of Mexico
- Funding Deepwater Horizon Restoration & Recovery: How Much, Going Where, For What? (2014)
- Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources, and Institutions of Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Conservation - Federal Programs (2014)
- Gulf of Mexico Habitat Conservation & Restoration: A Look at the Five U.S. Gulf States' Legal and Institutional Frameworks (2011)
- Managing the Oceans From the Shore (Jordan Diamond, Nov/Dec 2013)
- The Clean Ocean Act (Environmental Forum, 2011)