Water Quality Program

Water Quality Program

Water quality depends upon well-defined water quality standards and criteria, consistent and well-constructed monitoring and evaluation programs, and a legal framework that produces effective incentives to control public and private activities that may result in water pollution and the degradation of aquatic habitat.

Featured Areas of Expertise and Resources:

  • Non-Point Source Pollution Research: ELI studies ways to address non-point sources of water pollution, primarily through innovative uses of state and local laws, and examination of synergies among cost-sharing, technical assistance, enforcement, and liability.
  • CWA 303(d) Program Resource Center: ELI promotes effective implementation of the CWA by providing training workshops, reports on innovations in CWA 303(d) Program execution, and a library of resources that assist states, tribes, and territories in the listing of impaired waters and development and implementation of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
  • Sustainable Water and Sewer Infrastructure: ELI examines the relationship between infrastructure for water, sewer, and stormwater management, and finance and development decisions. ELI also considers the benefits of green infrastructure stormwater management approaches relative to conventional grey infrastructure.