International Water Program Publications
- C. Bruch, M. Nakayama, J. Troell, L. Goldman, and E. Mrema, “Assessing the Assessments: Improving Methodologies for Impact Assessment in Transboundary Watercourses,” 23 Journal of International Water Resources Development 3 (2007).
- C. Bruch, S. Altman, M. Al-Moumin, J. Troell, and E. Roffman, “Legal Frameworks Governing Water in the Middle East and North Africa,” Journal of International Water Resources Development (2007) (forthcoming).
- Carl Bruch, “Adaptive Water Management: Coping with Uncertainty through Laws and Institutions,” (forthcoming).
- Carl Bruch, “New Tools for Governing International Watercourses,” 14(1) Journal of Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions 15 (2004).
- Jessica Troell et al., “Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment as a Tool for Promoting Public Participation in International Watercourse Management,” in Libor Jansky and Juha Uitto (eds), Enhancing Participation and Governance in Water Resources Management: Conventional Approaches and Information Technology (UNU Press 2006).
- Angela Z. Cassar & Carl E. Bruch, “The Emergence of Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (TEIA) in International Watercourse Management,” 12 New York University Environmental Law Journal 169-244 (2003).
- Jessica Troell et al., Public Participation in the Management of Transboundary Waters: A Handbook (available in draft form).
- Carl Bruchet al., Public Participation in the Governance of International Freshwater Resources (UNU Press 2005).
- ELI, “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission” (ELI Research Report, 1995).
- Deborah Sandler et al. (eds.), Protecting the Gulf of Aqaba: A Regional Environmental Challenge (ELI 1993).