Indoor Air Quality in Rental Dwellings:

Indoor Air Quality in Rental Dwellings:

State Laws Addressing Radon, Mold and Secondhand Smoke



Washington’s landlord-tenant law requires disclosure of the smoking policy for multi-family buildings.

Required disclosure of smoking policy. Washington’s landlord tenant law requires landlords to provide a written notice to all tenants disclosing certain fire safety and protection information. In multifamily buildings, this notice must include whether the building has a smoking policy, and what that policy is. The notice must be signed by both the landlord and the tenant. Revised Code of Washington §59.18.060.

Enforcement/Penalties. The landlord-tenant law provides remedies to tenants in cases where the landlord violates the rental agreement or fails to carry out the duties specified by the law. These provisions call on the landlord to correct the “defective conditions” following written notice from the tenant. Rev. Code Wash. §59.18.070.


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