Environmental Law Deskbook, 8th Edition
The Environmental Law Deskbook provides all the major environmental and natural resource statutes at your fingertips. It has been revised and updated to include the latest information on 23 statutes, encompassing resource protection, pollution control, and administrative procedure. Updates to the 8th edition of the Environmental Law Deskbook cover brownfields funding provisions and liability exemptions added to CERCLA, new Clean Water Act monitoring and reporting requirements, Safe Drinking Water Act provisions addressing homeland security issues, and a variety of additions and deletions made by the president and the U.S. Congress over the past few years.
The Environmental Law Institute's Deskbook series provides practitioners, students, company managers, and government officials with all the resources needed to understand today's complex environmental statutes, regulations, and policies. In-depth analysis by leading practitioners is coupled with the most important primary sources, such as statutes, regulations, guidance documents, and forms, to provide a comprehensive reference for environmental professionals. Deskbooks are edited by the Environmental Law Reporter staff at ELI, ranking them among the most highly-trusted resources in the legal profession.