Environmental Statutes Outline: A Guide to Federal Laws, 4th Edition

Environmental Statutes Outline: A Guide to Federal Laws, 4th Edition

Environmental Statutes Outline: A Guide to Federal Laws, 4th Edition
Environmental Law Reporter
Release Date

The Environmental Statutes Outline: A Guide to Federal Laws is an ideal resource for lawyers and non-lawyers alike. This 4th edition has been revised and updated to contain the latest summaries of the most important environmental legislation. The 50 outlines summarize the major provisions of each statute, and U.S. Code citations within each outline allow ready reference to a statute's full text. For those statutes included in ELI's Environmental Law Deskbook, deskbook citations are provided for efficient cross-reference between the deskbook and the outlines.

The Environmental Law Institute’s Deskbook series provides practitioners, students, company managers, and government officials with all the resources needed to understand today’s complex environmental statutes, regulations, and policies. In-depth analysis by leading practitioners is coupled with the primary sources, such as statutes, regulations, guidance documents, and forms, to provide a comprehensive reference for environmental professionals. Deskbooks are edited by the Environmental Law Reporter staff at ELI, making them the most trusted legal resources in the profession.