Art of Commenting: How to Influence Environmental Decisionmaking with Effective Comments, The

Out of print
Each business day, the government presents a dizzying array of formal opportunities for public comment on environmental documents. Anyone can comment on these documents, and lots of people do. Unfortunately, many people prepare poor comments. They miss important issues, and bury key points in a dense body of text. They do not take advantage of background information that could support their points and even may insult the document’s author. The end result is that the person responsible for revisions may not make important changes simply because of the way comments were made. There is an art to commenting effectively, and it is an art that can be learned. The Art of Commenting takes the reader through a logical, step-by-step approach to reviewing environmental documents and preparing comments. You'll learn how to prepare for a review, including details on obtaining the right background materials to develop your perspective and increase your expertise. You’ll also learn how to organize and write your comments, including specific examples of what to say, and more importantly, what not to say.
Although the book highlights federal environmental law, the same process applies to state and local matters, foreign laws, and even non-environmental matters. The communication may vary somewhat, but the overall approach is the same.
So whether you're a lawyer, consultant, government worker, company employee, trade association staff, nonprofit employee, volunteer, student, or seasoned environmental professional, this book is for you. The Art of Commenting is designed to level the playing field. To help you learn the tricks of the trade that will enable you to participate as effectively as possible in the environmental decisionmaking process.