Sophisticated Sabotage: The Intellectual Games Used To Subvert Responsible Regulation
Sophisticated Sabotage: The Intellectual Games Used to Subvert Responsible Regulation explores regulatory cost-benefit analysis, quantitative risk assessment, the monetization of intangible values, comparative risk assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis, and related sub-disciplines. By explaining the arguments advanced by supporters of these tools, and discussing contrary views through short excerpts from the literature, Sophisticated Sabotage describes how dubious risk assessment and economic models have come to dominate regulatory decisionmaking and now stymie urgently needed health, safety and environmental protections. Each excerpt is thoroughly explained and previewed. Each chapter concludes with an extensive annotated listing of further readings. The authors are leading experts in administrative and environmental law.
"I believe that government regulation should express society's values and meet the public's goals. To achieve this, debates over regulations to protect public health and the environment must be conducted honestly and transparently. Sophisticated Sabotage will make an enormous contribution to these debates."
- From the Foreword by Representative Henry A. Waxman