Become an ELI Associate

About the ELI Associates Program

The Environmental Law Institute is a leading nonpartisan research nonprofit that plays a leading role in advancing durable and equitable law, policy, and governance to address today's major environmental challenges. Benefits of ELI membership include access to thought-provoking analysis, incomparable opportunities for networking and career development, free seminars and policy forums, and access to the event archives. You are also a key supporter of an independent research and educational institution that has challenged the conventional wisdom and makes law work for people places and the planet.

Thought-Provoking Analysis

Your membership includes a subscription to the Environmental Forum, ELI’s award-winning, members-only policy journal. The Forum delivers in-depth articles and the inside story on today’s critical and tomorrow’s sunrise issues. It brings you a range of views from those shaping law and policy today, including members of Congress, senior corporate executives, EPA and state environmental administrators, private attorneys, environmental activists, and more. We give you the whole perspective, so you can reach your own conclusions. (All members receive full digital access; residents in the United States also receive a print copy.)

Seminars & Policy Forums

We also offer you FREE seminars and policy forums throughout the year, and substantial discounts on our periodic CLE events. ELI's world class events bring together top practitioners, policymakers and other experts to analyze recent developments and forecast coming trends.

Networking and Career Building

As an ELI member, you will be listed in, and have access to, the online ELI Members Directory — your personal guide to the field’s movers and shakers. We also provide our Members with access to new job postings through our weekly e-mail newsletter, so you will be among the first to know when there is an interesting opening in the field. And when you make a career move, ELI will be there to report on your professional progress in the Environmental Forum® “Movers and Shakers” section.

Event Archives

The member portal of our website gives you exclusive and instantaneous access to the library of archived videos and materials from past ELI seminars and educational programs.

Publishing Discount

Finally, West Academic – publisher of ELI titles and 1,800+ legal education and reference titles – gives ELI members a 15% discount on every title it publishes.

Note: Full-time students may receive a complimentary membership. To do, please email from your .edu email address with your anticipated graduation date to receive a student discount code!


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