Radon Control in New Home Construction:

Radon Control in New Home Construction:

Developments in State Policy



In 2007, the Minnesota legislature enacted a law that requires the state Department of Labor and Industries to adopt rules for radon control, specifically the radon control methods found in the International Residential Code Appendix F, as part of the state residential building code. See Minn. Stat. 326B.106 (Subd. 6). In 2008, the state also enacted legislation establishing the state building code as the standard to be applied at the local level throughout the state. Under this law, the state building code supersedes the building code of any municipality, though local jurisdictions may, with the approval of the state building official, adopt an ordinance that is more restrictive than the State Building Code where warranted by geological conditions. See 2008 Minn. Laws, Chapter 322, § 3. The Department of Labor and Industries has promulgated regulations establishing minimum requirements for passive radon control systems that apply to all new residential structures subject to the code. See Minn. Rules, § 1303.2400—2403. The rules also establish requirements that must be followed when an active radon system is installed.

The Minnesota Department of Health has developed a voluntary “Gold Standard” for radon resistant new construction, which goes beyond the state building code to incorporate active (fan powered) radon control standards. The Department also provides information on builders and contractors who use the Gold Standard.


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