Healthy, High Performance School Facilities:
Developments in State Policy
Citation: Connecticut Statutes § 16a-38k (Ct. Public Acts 07-242); Ct. Admin. Code § 16a-38k-1--9.
Effective: January 2008
Available: Legislation, Regulations
Under this law, new construction projects that cost at least $5 million and that receive at least $2 million in state funding (as well as certain school renovation projects that cost at least $2 million and receive at least $2 million in state funding) must comply with state high performance building standards.
The state Office of Policy and Management has issued regulations establishing minimum green building standards for complying with the law. The regulations set forth numerous mandatory design and construction practices for schools and other covered projects, including IAQ-related measures addressing commissioning, IAQ construction management plans, design of outdoor air intakes, and use of low-emitting materials. In addition to complying with the mandatory practices, covered school projects must either (1) choose a minimum number of additional green building elements from a list included in the regulations, (2) receive LEED Silver certification, or (3) meet the criteria of the Northeast Collaborative for High Performance Schools, which is adapted from the original California CHPS criteria.
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