Healthy, High Performance School Facilities:
Developments in State Policy
Citation: 24 Cal. Code of Regulations chap. 11, California Green Building Standards Code
Effective: January 2011
Available: HERE
The California Building Standards Commission has adopted a California Green Building Standards Code (also known as the CALGreen Code) as part of the state building code. The code includes minimum required measures for residential and non-residential new construction, including school construction. The code also includes a large number of optional measures that projects may select in order to achieve the voluntary CALGreen Tier 1 or Tier 2 levels. The mandatory and optional measures address areas such as site selection/development, energy use, water use/conservation, moisture management, construction waste reduction, operations & maintenance, environmental quality, and indoor air quality. For example, among the mandatory IAQ features required for schools and other non-residential construction are: low-emitting carpeting and flooring systems, minimum HVAC filtration and commissioning, and construction IAQ management practices. California also recently prepared a guide explaining the rules established in the non-residential portions of the CALGreen Code.
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