ELI Government & Academic Group Rate

ELI Government & Academic Group Rate

Attention: All Government & Academic Employees

Did you know that the Environmental Law Institute, the nation’s preferred provider of environmental law and policy information, also provides a wealth of other professional benefits to its members, under the ELI Associates Program?

And now, you and your colleagues can join ELI at significant savings. That’s because as government or academic employees, you and your colleagues can enjoy the most inexpensive way possible to get six issues of The Environmental Forum, dozens of free seminars, and more benefits all year long.

The ELI Associates Government & Academic Group Rate enables you and up to four of your colleagues to become ELI Associates at a substantial discount to the cost of Standard individual membership (and half the price of discounted rate for individuals who are Government or Academic employees.)

Stay informed...boost your career...keep your finger on the pulse of the profession. In short, be an environmental “insider” in the field of law, policy, regulation, enforcement and compliance, land use, and natural resource protection-all for as little as $55 each for all these benefits:

Here’s what you will get:

  • A subscription to the award-winning environmental policy magazine, The Environmental Forum, including online access to over a decade's worth of past issues.
  • Access to the ELI Just For Associates Web site that includes a calendar of events, job postings and other items of interest.
  • The Online ELI Associates Directory, a searchable database of over 2,500 environmental professionals from government, corporations, research institutions, consulting groups, and private firms. It’s an invaluable resource in which to be found, or with which to find others.
  • Free seminars and other special events held in Washington DC and other major cities. Most sessions are also available via webinar call and as video recordings subsequent to the event.
  • @ELI.org, the Associates-only weekly emailed newsletter, provides timely information about upcoming seminars and other events, notice of new ELI publications and special offers, ELI member firm Alerts, event video recordings, and postings of career opportunities.
  • Substantial discounts on ELI publications — take your member discount of 15% off the list price of the most timely and valued research and reference tools available!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. All group members must be currently employed by a federal, state, local, municipal, or tribal government entity or recognized educational institution.
  2. The rate is $275 for up to five government or academic employees. This will NOT be pro rated for fewer (or more) than five individuals. Note: you will still save money off the regular $100 discounted rate even if you sign up only three people!
  3. One person will be the Group Contact. Normally the person enrolling the group with his or her payment information or check will be deemed the Group Contact. This person will supply initial contact information for each person in the Group and will also receive future renewal invoices for the Group.
  4. Payment must be made by one check or credit card number. If you would rather be invoiced, please contact membership@eli.org. Memberships are not valid until payment is processed.
  5. Membership may be transferred from one government or academic employee to another at any point during the membership year. Note: It is NOT necessary for all five individuals to be with the same organization or in the same physical location.

Join today, and start reaping the benefits immediately!