Art of Commenting: How to Influence Environmental Decisionmaking With Effective Comments, The, 2d Edition
The implementation of environmental laws invariably results in the creation of written documents such as regulations, policies, programs, plans, studies, reports, and permits. A range of companies, agencies, institutions, and individuals may have a stake in how these documents are written and the decisions they support. People within an agency or organization writing a document may review and comment on drafts and there may also be a public comment period.
The Art of Commenting, a longtime ELI bestseller, will assist those who are commenting on drafts of their own agency's, organization's, or client's documents as well as those participating in the public comment periods available under many federal, state, and local environmental laws. This second edition of this valuable guide accounts for the present-day reality that most commenting occurs online.
"The Art of Commenting is an invaluable guide for anyone interested in making their input more likely to have a real impact on proposed policies and regulations.”
- Suzanne Wells, Chief, USEPA Superfund Community Involvement and Program Integration Branch.
"This book can help communities understand how they can more effectively influence public policy and environmental decision-making."
- Vernice Miller-Travis, member National Environmental Justice Advisory Council