November 2011 CWA §303(d) Listing and TMDL Webinar - Background Materials
Evolution of Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 303(d) Listing and TMDL Program Vision
Examples of E. coli TMDLs developed using a translator method from fecal coliform
Legacy Pollutants Session Follow-up Attachment: CWA Section 303(d) Listing & TMDLs and Superfund
Nutrient Framework Memo (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Resources List for Meeting with States, Tribes, and Territories
Workgroup: Antidegradation and CWA Section 303(d) Listing Decisions
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Guidance for Category 4b Requests Developed by Third Parties
Ag Resource Strategies, LLC Livestock Environmental Quality Assurance (LEQA) Program Page and Brochure
*Please note that the LEQA certification program encompasses entire farms and that this voluntary program is applicable to any type of farming operation, including row cropping.