“Advancing Public Health and Sustainability Through Brownfields Redevelopment in New Jersey: A Handbook for Local Officials and Communities” (2010)
FULL REPORT: Designed for local officials and communities, this report discusses key strategies and resources in New Jersey for identifying brownfields, cleaning up brownfields, and identifying future uses.
Chapter One: Introduces the report and provides an overview of its scope and structure. Discusses the benefits of brownfields redevelopment and the role of municipalities in this process.
Chapter Two: Discusses strategies and resources for collaboration between municipalities and communities on brownfields redevelopment.
Chapter Three: Presents considerations for working with state agencies, and accessing state and federal resources for redeveloping brownfields.
Chapter Four: Discusses considerations and resources for identifying brownfields.
Chapter Five: Discusses considerations and resources for evaluating environmental conditions at brownfields.
Chapter Six: Provides practical considerations for identifying future uses for brownfields, particularly those uses which promote public health.
Chapter Seven: Presents resources and considerations for brownfields cleanup.
Chapter Eight: Discusses resources and strategies for facilitating private investment in brownfields redevelopment.
Appendix A: Information on selected state and federal agencies.
Appendix B: Information on key federal and state brownfields funding and assistance programs.
Appendix C: List of brownfields case studies.