Inter-American Program: Publications
Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities (2015)
Gulf Coast Restoration: Timeline of Past and Future Events (2013)
Participating in Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (2013)
The Silent Tsunami (The Environmental Forum, 2013)
Overview of MOEX Settlement (2013)
Complexo Madeira: Environmental Licensing for Large- Scale Hydropower in Brazil (2013)
Oil Spill Litigation Database (updated frequently)
Step-by-Step Tips for Writing Effective Public Comments (2013)
Step-by-Step Tips for Providing Effective Verbal Comments (2013)
NRDA in Action: How the Public Has Helped Shape Natural Resource Restoration (2012)
Seafood Certification based on FAO Guidelines and Code of Conduct: A Credible Approach? (2012)
What Are The Next Steps? Legal Perspectives on Mexico's General Law on Climate Change (2012)
Segunda Edicion: Cuales son los Siguientes Pasos? Perspectivas Juridicas sobre La Ley General de Cambio Climatico de Mexico (2013 - Spanish and English)
Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) and Restoration Interviews from the Trenches: Exploring Gulf Restoration Issues with Individuals Working on the Ground and in the Water (2011)
Challenges and Opportunities for Aquaculture Co-Management: Lessons Learned from Case Studies (2010)
China in Latin America: Law, Economics, and Sustainable Development (2010)
Gold Standard for Sustainable Aquaculture Ecolabel Design: Technical Report (2008)
Lessons Learned for the Future of Technology Transfer under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (2007)
Prior Informed Consent and Mining: Promoting Sustainable Development of Local Communities (2004)
Improving Public Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Mining (2004)
Mejorando la Participación Ciudadana en el Proceso de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental en Minería (2004)
Issues Relating to Articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (2003)
Legal Tools and Incentives for Private Lands Conservation in Latin America: Building Models for Success (2003)(Out of Print)
Strategic Plan for North American Cooperation in the Conservation of Biodiversity (2003)
Sustainable Mexican Municipalities Project Final Report (2002)
A Report of the North American Free Trade Agreement Technical Working Group on Pesticides (2001)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera: Propuesta de un Marco Común las Américas (2000)
US - Mexico Transboundary Environmental Enforcement (Workshop Report) (2000)
Pollution Prevention and Mining: A Proposed Framework (2000)
Pollution Prevention in Mining in the Americas: Research Guide for National (Canada) Case Studies (2000)
Pollution Prevention and Mining in the United States: Case Study (2000)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera en las Americas: Estudio de Caso Chileno (2000)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera el las Americas: Estudio de Caso Correspondiente a Argentina (2000)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera en las Americas: Estudio de Caso Correspondiente a Mexico (2000)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera el las Americas: Estudio de Caso Correspondiente a Perú (2000)
Prevención de la Contaminación Minera el las Americas: Estudio de Caso Nacional - Bolivia (2000)
The Coral Reef Task Force: Protecting the Environment Through Executive Order (2000)
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission (1995)
Brazil's Extractive Reserves: Fundamental Aspects of Their Implementation (1995)
Integrando la Participación Publica al Proceso de Protección Ambiental (1995)
Integrating Public Participation Into the Environmental Protection Process (1995)
Liability For Environmental Damage (1995)
Practical Approaches to Implementing Environmental Laws: Getting from Here to There (1993)
Indigenous Peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico (1992)
Environmental Impact Assessment: Integrating Environmental Protection and Development Planning (1991)
Setting Standards: The "Best Available Technology" Option (1991)
Responsibilities of Exporters of Hazardous Waste to Mexico (1987)
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