Monthly Climate Change Briefing: February 2014
NOTE: This series of briefings is available only to those who are ELI members by virtue of their organizations' support of the Institute. Please consult our list of institutional member firms/consulting groups, corporations, or NGOs to ascertain if you are eligible to join these sessions. For more information on becoming an institutional member of ELI so that you and your colleagues would receive routine access to these briefings, please contact Chandra Middleton.
Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our institutional members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.
Topics addressed in this month's call:
- 9th Cir. decision in Native Village of Point Hope v. Jewell, finding that BOEM had violated NEPA in approving an oil and gas lease sale in the Chukchi Sea by underestimating the amount of economically recoverable oil
- New decisions in the Michael Mann case and the Rocky Mountain Farmers case
- Status of EPA rulemaking efforts
- Bloomberg scaling up his climate change work in cities beyond New York
- Cities' new climate adaptation cost estimates
- Changing congressional committee chairmanships and what they (could) mean
- Continued ineffectual passage of Energy and Commerce bills aimed at curbing EPA's authority
Vicky Arroyo, Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Kyle W. Danish, Partner, Van Ness Feldman, LLP
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School ; Director, Center for Climate Change Law
Manik Roy, Vice President, Strategic Outreach, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
ELI Monthly Climate Briefings are made possible by the
generous support of our institutional members.
NOTE: This call/recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted
or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.