Climate Drones
James Satterlee - Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Current Issue
Climate Drones

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER ❧ The unmanned aircraft phenomenon is just starting to catch on in the area of environmental monitoring and enforcement. There is immense potential for using drones to maximize an operation’s efficiencies while also reducing its environmental impact.

Big Data's Big Handprint
Stephen Harper - Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation
Current Issue
Big Data's Big Handprint

LEAD FEATURE ❧ The constellation of computer services is a huge consumer of energy, but its climate impact has been stable even as total use multiplies. At the same time, the collection and processing of information will yield huge environmental improvements in other sectors.

Translating Ideas Into Action
Current Issue
Former banker and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and ELI Vice Chair Ben Wilson

COLLOQUY ❧ Former banker and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson took the stage at the annual dinner and responded to questions from ELI Vice Chair Ben Wilson about environmental protection in China and environmental policy in the United States and internationally. Paulson’s conclusion based on his decades of experience: It takes business, NGOs, and government working together to get things done.