The Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Policy Resource Center

Developments in State Chemicals Policy:

Identifying and Regulating Priority Chemicals



In 2008, Connecticut enacted legislation directing the state to identify toxic substances in children's products and safer alternatives to those substances. Ct. Gen. Stat. tit. 21a, ch. 420d. The legislation was part of Connecticut's State Child Protection Act, which governs hazardous substances in consumer products and is the state counterpart to the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.

Indoor Air Quality in Rental Dwellings

State Laws Addressing Radon, Mold and Secondhand Smoke



Virginia has enacted legislation amending the Virginia Residential Landlord-Tenant (VRLT) Act (Virginia Code § 55.1-1200 et seq.) to address the problem of mold in rental housing. The VRLT Act applies to all single-family and multifamily residential dwelling units located in Virginia. The key provisions include a duty to maintain/repair and requirements relating to tenant notice and relocation.