The Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Policy Resource Center

Profiles of Innovative State Programs: Minnesota - Model School Indoor Air Quality Plan

Minnesota Dept. of Health,

Indoor Air Quality Program

Model School Indoor Air Quality Management Plan


The Indoor Air Quality Program at the Minnesota Department of Health helps school districts throughout the state advance IAQ best management practices and achieve healthy learning environments. The agency has developed a wealth of technical materials, including a Model School IAQ Management Plan that can be adapted by school districts.

Profiles of Innovative State Programs

Many different state agencies play a role in addressing indoor environmental quality. Health, education, labor, building services, and business regulation are some of the departments that have jurisdiction over one or more building type or practice. This authority may include implementing laws and regulations that establish requirements for building owners. It also may include carrying out research, technical assistance, and education programs to promote best practices.

Policy Briefs

The past two decades have witnessed considerable development in the body of state policy aimed at reducing exposure to pollutants indoors and promoting best practices in building management and construction. Nevertheless, nearly every state can benefit from stronger policies in this area.

Indoor Environments & Green Buildings

Policy Resource Center



ELI’s Indoor Environments & Green Buildings Program advances policies and programs that make buildings healthier and more sustainable places to live, learn, and work. We provide a variety of materials – from in-depth research reports to policy briefs on emerging issues and compilations of state laws and regulations – that build on advances in public health science and building science. Read more about the Program.