Decarbonization and the Role of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage

September 14, 2022 12:00 pm — 1:15 pm
Webinar Only

An ELI Public Webinar

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage/Sequestration (CCUS) is a growing element of the energy transition to a carbon-neutral economy. CCUS can be an important strategic element for organizations pursuing decarbonization and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals in the industrial sector, where hard to decarbonize manufacturing operations, such as cement production, steel making, and petrochemical processing, require innovative solutions. Although often seen as an important element of a decarbonized economy, there is some opposition, and CCUS projects can come with significant risks.

The Environmental Law Institute, TRC Companies, and our panel of experts will discuss the CCUS technology, how it works, and its risks. Why and where is CCUS drawing attention now? How do post-combustion, direct air, and agricultural carbon capture technologies work? What are pipeline infrastructure needs and challenges? What are the risks and regulatory filings? How can monitoring and reporting programs document CCUS results and determine effectiveness? Join us to learn more about the CCUS technology, the risks it poses, and potential mitigants of such risks.

To Be Announced

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