First Monday in October: Examining the Supreme Court's Environmental Docket

October 5, 2005 12:26 pm — 12:26 pm
Washington, DC

Each October the U.S. Supreme Court begins a new Term. And, coinciding with the Court’s resumption of work, ELI holds its Associates seminar pre-viewing the Court’s newly docketed cases and reviewing those cases decided in the previous Term.

During the 2004-2005 Term, the Supreme Court heard and decided a number of environmental cases, each with important implications for regulatory policy and environmental protection generally.

On October 5, 2005, ELI hosted Robert Percival (Professor of Law and Director, Environmental Law Program, University of Maryland School of Law) and Jonathan Adler (Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law and Visiting Associate Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law) for a timely seminar. These environmental law experts covered Cooper Industries v. Aviall, Kelo v. New London, and Bates v. Dow among decided cases and looked at other environmental issues that may be coming before the Court in the near future.