Keeping the Lights On: Financing New Power Generating Capacity Under Potential Carbon Emission Regulation

November 28, 2007 11:26 am — 11:26 am
Washington, DC

The prospect of national legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the electric power sector and the reality of regional regulatory programs present new challenges to power generating companies in building capacity to meet increasing demand. In this seminar, an event in the ELI Understanding Climate Change Law Seminar Series, speakers presented a sample of company perspectives on how the design of a greenhouse gas regulatory system could affect the ability to finance new capacity. Issues included the allocation of carbon emission allowances under a cap and trade system, the timing of emission reduction requirements, and the availability of government subsidies such as loan guarantees.

Paul Allen
, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, and Chief Environmental Officer, Constellation Energy Company. Constellation owns and operates generating plants and fuel processing facilities utilizing about two thirds low or non-emitting fuels such as nuclear and alternative fuels, and 30% coal-fired facilities.
Paul Bailey, Valis & Keelen. Mr. Bailey represents a number of companies generating power from coal and is active in legislative deliberations on provisions affecting their interests.
Herb Tate, Member of the Board of Directors of NRG Energy, Inc. NRG is a leading, independent wholesale power generation company which owns and operates a portfolio of facilities of diverse fuel types (gas, oil, coal, and nuclear).

Handout: Economy-Wide Cap and Trade Proposals in the 110th Congress
PowerPoint: Herb Tate
PowerPoint: Paul Bailey

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Understanding Climate Change Law seminar series