Marcellus Shale: Shall We Drill?

March 10, 2010 11:27 am — 11:27 am
New York, NY
Co-sponsored by
the New York City Bar Environmental Law Committee
and the Environmental Law Institute

Proposals to drill for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale formation have generated controversy. The New York State DEC (NYSDEC) has received extensive comments on a draft environmental impact statement (EIS). Concerns have been raised that the draft EIS does not adequately address a number of issues, including surface and ground water pollution, cumulative impacts, alternatives, and potential impacts to New York City’s drinking water supply. Commenters also have questioned NYSDEC’s plan not to issue comprehensive regulations. Others have suggested that the draft EIS goes too far, will set the highest bar in the country for industry, and does not suffer from shortcomings alleged by certain commenters. This program will examine the issues from all of these perspectives.

Jeff Gracer, Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.

Kate Sinding, NRDC
Thomas West, Counsel for Chesapeake Energy Corporation
Hilary Meltzer, New York City Corporation Counsel’s Office

mp3 Recording