Meet Former Interim Iraqi Government Minister of the Environment Mishkat Al Moumin

June 27, 2006 12:26 pm — 12:26 pm
Washington, DC

On June 27, the Environmental Law Institute hosted a seminar featuring Mishkat Al Moumin, the former minister of the environment in the interim Iraqi government. Dr. Al Moumin, a well-known Iraqi lawyer and a lecturer of human rights at the University of Baghdad College of Law, is currently a Futrell Visiting Scholar at ELI. Prior to her tenure as Minister of the Environment, the interim government did not have a ministry of the environment, and Dr. Al Moumin designed its entire structure. In this post, she developed new environmental law, led campaigns to support Iraqi people living in environmentally dangerous areas, and initiated awareness and cleanup projects.

Prior to joining the government, she served as the women’s issues director for the Free Iraq Foundation, where she successfully advocated for a requirement that women hold 25 percent of the seats in the new Iraqi parliament. In this role, she also conducted trainings for NGOs and female leaders. In 2004, Dr. Al Moumin worked with the International Federation of Election System as an advisor on the elections in Iraq.

Dr. Al Moumin discussed the current environmental situation in Iraq and field questions from the audience.