The New Maritime Paradigm: US Environmental Regulation of the Maritime Industry

May 19, 2010 12:27 pm — 12:27 pm
Washington, DC
Co-sponsored by K&L Gates and the Environmental Law Institute

Since 2008, the scope and extent of U.S. environmental regulation of the maritime industry has changed and expanded substantially. Air, water, and waste concerns have resulted in substantial new regulatory requirements and continued reassessment of those requirements by the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Discussed were new regulatory requirements and legislative and regulatory proposals that will shape environmental obligations of the maritime industry into the future.


Adam Schempp, Environmental Law Institute (Moderator)
Barry Hartman, K&L Gates LLP
Bryan Wood-Thomas, World Shipping Council
Jennifer Carpenter, American Waterways Operators
Annie Petsonk, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
Michaela Noble, Maritime Administration (MarAd)

Additional Materials:
Video at Maritime TV