Summer School Lecture Series: Chemical Regulation

July 19, 2006 12:26 pm — 12:26 pm
Washington, DC

Lynn L. Bergeson (Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.) guided the audience through the thicket of federal statutes, regulatory programs, and agencies that manage the manufacture, processing, and use of chemical substances.

Ms. Bergeson is co-founder of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., a Washington, DC, law firm concentrating on chemical, medical device, and diagnostic product approval; chemical product defense; and related business matters. Ms. Bergeson’s practice includes chemical regulation under TSCA and FIFRA, and related compliance, litigation, and counseling matters under these statutes and RCRA, CAA, and OSHA. Ms. Bergeson works extensively on domestic and international chemical regulatory and litigation matters involving a wide range of agencies including EPA, NTP, Health/Environment Canada, and WHO.