Wilford Cwikiel

Wilford Cwikiel
City and State
Conway, Michigan
Wilfred Cwikiel has devoted his work to making a positive impact on people’s perceptions, willingness, and ability to protect wetlands.

Wilfred Cwikiel has devoted his work to making a positive impact on people’s perceptions, willingness, and ability to protect wetlands. He has written several publications and dozens of articles, and produced five wetland training videos. In addition, he is the editor of Great Lakes Wetlands and the Citizen’s Wetland Report & Habitat News, and he has made presentations at national conferences and conducted numerous wetland workshops.

One of Cwikiel’s hallmarks is his interest in improving the effectiveness of others working to protect wetlands. This is most evident in the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Network and Fund, which Cwikiel initiated and developed in 1996 with financial support from the C.S. Mott Foundation. This program establishes communication networks for citizens and provides grants to grassroots wetland protection initiatives. By fostering this base of support at the grassroots level, Cwikiel’s work serves to support wetland protection at all levels.

Cwikiel has served on several state-appointed committees to review environmental permitting programs, provide recommendations on wetland mitigation banking policy, and develop Michigan’s Wetland Strategy. In these contexts, he has been a thoughtful and articulate participant who has gained the respect of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, his fellow wetland advocates, consultants, and business representatives. His efforts have enabled, enhanced, and inspired greater wetlands protection efforts throughout the Great Lakes region.

— Steve Sadewasser, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

Title and Organization
Tip of the Mit Watershed Council