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LEAD FEATURE People of color and low-income communities living in areas with extreme pollution contribute the least to these problems, but suffer the most. Nothing short of federal environmental justice legislation is needed to address these severe inequities.
With SIDEBARs from the National Wildlife Federation and a scholar on Indian law
BOOK EXCERPT During the Carter presidency, the scientific community was increasing the alarm about climate change resulting from carbon dioxide. The seeds planted by the administration to stimulate efficiency and renewables could have yielded a smooth transition toward sustainable energy and climate security. This is the story of how that didn’t happen.
COVER STORY The Chesapeake Bay restoration faces big challenges on multiple fronts. Some of the thoughtful response measures are stretching the Clean Water Act creatively. The results provide lessons for complex environmental problems elsewhere.
With SIDEBARs from Virginia's resources chief and the Chesapeake Bay Commission
TESTIMONY Activists and lawmakers are leading the charge to amend state charters to protect environmental rights. Pennsylvania is one success story — but the road to green amendments won’t be easy.
President Biden’s infrastructure plan aims to replace all lead service lines in the United States — a long overdue undertaking to resolve a legacy of lead contamination disproportionately affecting low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, Although replacement of lead service lines receives bipartisan support, even if funding is approved upgrading the country’s aging drinking water system will be no easy feat.
The Public Supports Clean Energy but Politics Is Preventing Win-Wins
IPCC Ignores That Institutions Are the Creatures of Fossil Fuels
Cities Collaborate With Businesses on Climate Plan Implementation
Bridge Private, Public Governance to Enhance Environment Protection
Instead of 'Hot Summer' for FERC, Commission Lands in Hot Water
It's Deja Vu All Over Again With Storm Waters of U.S. Rule
The Potential Role for Emission Offsets in Climate Change Policy
Setting Some Expectations for the Glasgow Climate Summit
On Environmental Justice and Agencies
Using Liability Lawsuits to Protect Biodiversity.
On the values ELI holds as eternal.