ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse

ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse

Welcome to ELI’s Environmental Pro Bono Clearinghouse, where we connect attorneys and communities to solve pressing environmental problems. 

The Clearinghouse strives to ensure that communities with viable environmental legal matters get the representation they need, whether that be in a courtroom, in front of an agency, or in a more facilitative or consultative fashion. We do so by connecting individuals, communities, and non-profits with Clearinghouse member attorneys, non-legal experts, law clinics, and more. As a non-advocacy and non-litigating organization, ELI attorneys do not represent clients.  

For Attorneys

For attorneys, the Clearinghouse is an opportunity to use your expertise in support of local communities. 

Attorneys and firms participating in the Clearinghouse may have different guidelines as to what qualifies as pro bono representation. Conversations with individual attorneys or firms will determine if they can or cannot accept certain matters.  

For Attorneys
For Environmental Law Clinics

We post the matters you have already vetted but cannot take on due to limited resources or, alternatively, we help you find pro bono lawyers who can expand your team’s capacity to work on pro bono matters. When you have matters, simply fill out our intake form, ask the community to do so, or email us at perry@eli.org. We will share the matters you send us so that attorneys participating in the Clearinghouse can contact you or the party directly with their interest and availability to take on those matters.

For Environmental Law Clinics
For Communities and Organizations

For communities and non-profit organizations, the Clearinghouse is open to groups that could not achieve their goal if not for the pro bono assistance. Additionally, they must have a mission to serve a public interest, including public health, conservation, preservation, redressing systemic environmental ills, etc.  

For individuals, the Clearinghouse is for low-income individuals and people disproportionately affected by environmental issues, often Black, Indigenous, and people of color. 

For Communities and Organizations

INTERESTED IN PARTNERING WITH ELI ON THIS PROJECT? If you are interested in partnering with us or learning more about our program, please email probono@eli.org or sign up here for more information.

ELI does not assess the efficacy or specifics of the legal matters that may be listed and does not engage in the legal work at any point; ELI is simply a clearinghouse for our members to find potential pro bono environmental matters.