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ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER The IRA added seven new sections to the Clean Air Act and provided the Environmental Protection Agency with substantial new authorities and resources.
ELI PRESS Turning U.S. commitments on sustainability and equity from rhetoric to action.
ELI POLICY BRIEF No. 19 Existing law is catching up with land-based aquaculture, a burgeoning industry in the United States and elsewhere. In the interim, facility impacts can be lessened through best regulatory practices that minimize environmental effects.
Will EPA, FTC Adopt Mandatory Actions to Curb Plastic Pollution?
Science of Federal Air Regulation and State Wildlife Management.
Urban Bird Treaty Cities Address Dramatic Avian Population Decline.
EPA Power Plant Proposal Boosts Carbon Capture and Hydrogen.
The High Court’s Environmental Docket Continues to Make Waves.
A Do-Over for Power Plant Regulation Under the CAA.
Much Remarkable, but Insufficient, Progress Decarbonizing the World.
Nightime Light Pollution Is an Environmental Disaster Unfolding.
On the race to save our vanishing birds.
On ELI as a policy thought leader.