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Welcome to the Future

OPENING ARGUMENT Electric cars are bursting onto the U.S. market with astonishing speed, but meeting policy resistance as well. Dissecting some of the anti-EV arguments makes the case for why—and how—society needs to come together in a transportation reform movement.

By Jeff Allen

With SIDEBARs by Oregon Dept. of Transportation and Heising-Simons Foundation


CROSS-EXAMINATION The environmental laws so many of us have advocated for and drafted, and now help implement, counsel clients about, and litigate, are no longer enough.

By John Dernbach and Scott Schang
Widener University, Wake Forest University

With SIDEBARs by Amy L. Edwards and Achinthi Vithanage

Don't Shade the Ocean

COVER STORY We need sound legal tools to address side effects from climate geoengineering projects that could endanger the marine environment. These unwanted impacts include the ability of the seas to produce food and oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and excess heat.

By Madeline Warner, Bobbi-Jo Dobush and Mark J. Spalding
The Ocean Foundation, The Ocean Foundation, The Ocean Foundation

With SIDEBARs by Mark J. Spalding and Gernot Wagner

Clean Air and Good Jobs

BOOK EXCERPT In Clean Air and Good Jobs (Temple University Press), the author examines the Labor Climate Movement and demonstrates what can be accomplished when climate justice is on labor’s agenda and unions work together with other social movements to formulate bold solutions to the climate crisis.

By Todd E. Vachon
Rutgers University
The Debate: The New Toxic Substances Control Act Is Now Five Years Old: A Report

The transmission grid is the critical superhighway that connects energy supply and demand. But our grid was designed for the power plants of the past—not for the diverse range of resources and technologies of our clean energy future. To meet greenhouse gas reduction goals, we will need to expand electric transmission systems by 60 percent by 2030 and possibly triple the capacity of these systems by 2050. Can we preserve the local environment while protecting the planet from the dangers of global climate change?

By Ken Berlin, Rob Gramlich, Alexandra B. Klass and Josiah Neeley
Atlantic Council, Grid Strategies LLC, University of Michigan Law School, R Street Institute
By: David P. Clarke

Election Will Be Critical for Biden’s National Climate Emergency Effort.

By: Craig M. Pease

Who Bleeds From Introducing Cutting-Edge Nuclear Reactors?

By: Linda K. Breggin

States and Localities Aim to Stem Tide of Fast Fashion Textile Waste

By: Ethan Shenkman

D.C. Circuit Reaches Different Results on NEPA and GHG Rules

By: Bethany A. Davis Noll

A Do-Nothing Rule in the Court Threatens Much Agency Regulation.

By: Bob Sussman

Can Climate Rulemakings Win Support of Auto, Power Sectors?

By: Joseph E. Aldy

Applying the Social Cost of Carbon Broadly Across Whole Government.

By: Stephen R. Dujack

The Fall of Cast Iron and the Rise of Industrial Regulation

By: Lisa Benjamin

Lisa Benjamin on the Merchants of Mythology

By: Nick Collins

Filling the Gaps in State Programs to Protect WOTUS

By: Sandra Nichols Thiam

On Science and Decisionmaking