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09/04/2018 - 21:31 by


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The King Is Dead

Market forces, including cheaper power from natural gas and renewables, are driving coal plants to shutter and their owners to declare bankruptcy. Yet the Trump administration perversely continues to prop up an industry in steep decline.

By Patrick McGinley
West Virginia University Law School

With SIDEBARs from a mining union attorney and a lawyer representing coal companies.

Let's Talk Trash

Do we live more by waste than ingenuity? Americans generate a minimum of 280 pounds per person per day. Most of that is out of sight, out of mind. So solutions come hard, but they begin by recognizing the necessity.

By John A. "Skip" Laitner and Meagan A. Weiland
Economic and Human Dimensions Research Associates, Economic and Human Dimensions Research Associates
Make Infrastructure Great Again!

America needs to invest trillions of dollars to fulfill environmental mandates in the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act for a burgeoning population at a time when existing facilities are stretched thin and reaching the end of their service life.

By Michael Curley
Environmental Law Institute

With SIDEBARs from an environmentalist, a lawyer representing industry and localities, and the head of New Jersey’s infrastructure bank.

Going Against the Flow

A freshly fledged lawyer, Tim Briscoe has already gotten his feet wet in ecological policy. He has become a champion for riparian species in the complicated legal environment governing the Missouri River and its human and wildlife dependents.

By Talia Ogliore
Washington University in St. Louis
The Debate: Is Manufacturing Products for Export to the West Compromising Enviro

Is Manufacturing Products for Export to the West Compromising Environmental Health in China?

By Joseph E. Aldy, Joel P. Trachtman, Jennifer L. Turner, Leo W. Gerard and Zhao Huiyu
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars , United Steel Workers Union, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
By: David P. Clarke

Almost no security or energy analysts support the president’s generation policy.

By: Craig M. Pease

PFOA: another toxic chemical regulatory science ritual battle.

By: Linda K. Breggin

Bans of single-use plastics rise in popularity, protecting the oceans.

By: Kathleen Barrón

Take on tackling carbon emissions by charging true cost to society.

By: Richard Lazarus

Kennedy’s mark on environmental law is incalculable and profound.

By: Ethan Shenkman

Renewable practitioners grapple with federal species protections.

By: Robert N. Stavins

Linkage will prove essential for ultimate success of Paris Agreement.

By: Bruce Rich

A cheer for global environmental governance. Then what happens?

By: G. Tracy Mehan III

Mixing Energy, Economics, and Geopolitics 

By: Stephen R. Dujack

Blaming Workers "Very" Poor Policy

By: Laura Frederick

Colleagues’ new jobs, promotions, and achievements.

By: Laura Frederick

Latest flock of National Wetlands Awards winners.

By: James McElfish Jr.

Resource damages and mitigation opportunities.

By: Scott Fulton

A time to pivot, reset, and recommit to core principles.