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The rails-to-trails concept is famous, celebrated throughout the nation. Millions of Americans use the trails for recreation and transportation. Forty years later, it’s time to acclaim the two behind-the-scenes staffers who made a miracle happen on Capitol Hill.
With SIDEBARs from the conservancy and from a transportation consultant
Many countries have made progress in legally recognizing and protecting land and forest tenure rights. But the water rights of indigenous and local communities have received far less attention, despite their role in supporting equitable and sustainable development.
Overcoming new challenges like the COVID-19 virus or older ones like climate change depends on the facts. Unfortunately, the legal system has not risen to the related challenge of protecting scientific integrity nor even researchers themselves, despite laws designed to prevent abuse.
With SIDEBARs from two environmental scientists
Environmental and health professionals can benefit by learning the story the sea has to tell about knowing your destination, bringing the whole crew on board, and making port despite stormy seas and contrary winds. What’s your metaphor for managing your career?
Environmental protection in large measure means protecting public health. Thousands of professionals work at safeguarding lives and livelihoods through measures to reduce exposure and resulting disease. It is important to draw lessons from one facet of the fight for life — and how society implements measures to counter a threat — for possible application in another. COVID-19 offers a prime example.
What Will Happen on Climate If the Democrats Take Over Next Year.
The Transparency Rule Is Not at All About Science; It’s Propaganda.
Pro Bono Lawyers Draft Deep Decarbonization Model Laws.
Get Ready for Corporate Carbon Goals Visible with Every Purchase
Seeing Supplemental Environmental Projects in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Infrastructure and Energy Projects on a Rulemaking Rollercoaster Ride.
Crafting a Climate-Oriented Stimulus Recovery Program.
World’s Coal Lender of Last Resort Doubles Down as Warming Worsens.
On the journey up the Crazy River.
Discounting Benefits of Saving Human Life.
National Wetland Award Ceremony Held Digitally
On obstacles to achieving justice.