At the Environmental Law Institute, interns have the opportunity to develop independent research projects based off their interests. In this episode of the People Places Planet Podcast, ELI’s spring interns, Jenny Tseng and Abhi Vishwanath, join host Georgia Ray to share more about who they are, their independent research work on The Nagoya Protocol and India's Green Hydrogen Investments, and broader projects that they have worked on at the organization. 

Did you know that sediment could be a critical resource for coastal resilience? In this episode of the People Places Planet Podcast, host Georgia Ray speaks with Derek Brockbank of the Coastal States Organization (CSO) and Dr. Nicole Elko of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) about sediment placement regulations and the beneficial use of dredged material. Brockbank and Dr. Elko recently published a report that provides a comparative analysis of state and federal regulations on sediment in coastal zones. They discuss the role of sediment on coastal protection and restoration, obstacles to beneficial use, and best practices for policy makers. Lastly, Dr. Elko and Brockbank explain the important work that they do at ASBPA and CSO. 

Interested in reading their report? Find it in full here.

Fish consumption is on the rise worldwide, and with it, fish farming. Land-based aquaculture and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) offer a lot of environmental promise, but do they live up to the hype? In this episode host Georgia Ray discusses the findings of a new ELI report, Fish Forward. Georgia is joined by Elissa Torres-Soto, Irene Jandoc, and Cynthia R. Harris as they explore the ways to measure the effectiveness of RAS facilities in Maine, the regulatory environment, and how the UAE might be a surprisingly helpful case study for best practice industry standards.
Recent wildfire smoke events have highlighted the value of air quality measurement. But how does it really work, anyways? From the latest technologies and regulations to the unique challenges faced by local governments and tribes, this week's guests discuss the transforming landscape of air quality monitoring. Join hosts Georgia Ray and Ella Stack; and guests Chet Wayland from the EPA, Christopher Lee from Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center, and Miles Keogh from the National Association of Clean Air Agencies for the discussion. This episode is part of ELI's Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN)
Environmental laws and the judiciary can play a role in preventing deforestation across Latin America. In this episode, host Georgia Ray speaks with Kristine Perry, a Staff Attorney at ELI, and Juan Corredor-Garcia author of “War on Deforestation” about the ongoing court cases and military action playing a role in environmental protection. 

Read “Deforestación y Derecho” here and find Juan’s report – “War on Deforestation” – here.
People view and value the land in different ways, and these attitudes have significant implications for the environmental movement. In this episode of the People Places Planet Podcast, ELI Staff Attorney Jarryd Page interviews award-winning author Tony Hiss, who recently published a book titled Rescuing the Planet: Protecting Half the Land to Heal the Earth. The conversation covers the importance of biodiversity and land conservation for climate regulation, the role that industry plays in the environmental movement, and how people experience public spaces.
James Stinson shares his research concerning the effects of digitalization on conservation and environmental governance in Belize. He discusses a growing trend toward predictive policing of parks and protected areas, a shift in what conservation fundamentally is and means, struggles over conservation data, the actors pushing this digital transformation, and the standardization of conservation approaches.

Summary Article: “Digitalization and Predictive Policing in Conservation: Does technology shift focus toward ‘green policing’ and away from integrated conservation and development?” 
Oane Visser discusses his research on precision agriculture, i.e. the use of digital tools and algorithms within agriculture. Among other things, we talk about the techno-utopian thinking that undergirds precision agriculture, why technologies may be inaccurate “in the wild,” power dynamics and struggles between different actors, the inequalities that digital technologies can produce, and social movements that seek to promote more just and equitable forms of digital environmental governance within agriculture. 
Sake Kruk shares his research on how digital technologies are increasingly being used to assure sustainable food production. We explore how technology shapes the ways environmental issues are framed from the outset, how specific sustainability objectives are set, and the types of interventions and actions that are promoted. He lays out a series of questions that policy-makers, decision-makers, and the public should ask whenever digital technologies are deployed for environmental governance.
In this week's episode of the People Places Planet Podcast, host Georgia Ray dives deep into an incredible transformation journey with her guests Debbie Sims, Suzi Ruhl, David Cash, and Bill Coleman. Together, they discuss the evolution of Bridgeport, Connecticut's once-neglected Mount Trashmore into the thriving Mount Growmore agricultural, wellness, and learning campus. Tune in to explore the significance of community-driven solutions, the power of inter-sectoral government collaboration, the importance of trusted relationships with academia, and the essential steps that other communities can take to replicate such transformative projects. This episode promises a compelling narrative of turning environmental challenges into community triumphs. 

Referenced materials can be found on our accompanying blog here