When airports, buildings, highways, dams, power plants, and other federal activities are proposed, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements are invoked. Passed by Congress in 1969 and signed into law on January 1, 1970, NEPA fundamentally altered how lawmakers and regulators approach human impacts on the natural world. Despite significant success in involving the public in decision-making, NEPA regulations have been criticized for delaying projects and raising costs. In this episode, ELI Senior Attorney Amy Reed breaks down how NEPA works and explains proposed regulation changes. 

Relevant Resources:
Vibrant Environment, Proposed NEPA Rule Goes All-In on Environmental Justice
ELR, Amending the NEPA Regulations 
Mud Lake, written and illustrated by 2020 National Wetlands Award winner Sam Lovall, is a collection of short adventure stories set in the 1960s and 70s about children freely exploring the natural world in Haslett, Michigan. The book is an engaging testament to the beauty and importance of nature, making it a perfect read in time for Earth Day.  Weaving storytelling and technical research about ecosystems and climate change, Mud Lake manages to be both fun and educational for all ages. In this week’s episode, host Sarah Backer is joined by author Sam Lovall to discuss what (and who) inspired him to write Mud Lake
Each April, we celebrate the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. This movement resulted in the creation of many of the United States' foundational environmental laws. And, amidst this burgeoning movement, the Environmental Law Institute was established in December 1969. ELI has since played a pivotal role in shaping the fields of environmental law, policy, and governance, delivering insightful, independent, and research-based analysis to policymakers and the public. In honor of Earth Month, ELI President Jordan Diamond joins the podcast to offer her insights into the impact (past, present, and future) of ELI.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“NRC” or the “Agency”) licenses and regulates the civilian and commercial use of nuclear power and radioactive materials, including traditional and advanced reactors. Advanced reactor technologies are poised to provide a lower-cost option for carbon-free electricity and can power a broad range of applications including existing power grids, small energy grids (remote areas without connectivity to transmission infrastructure), small electrical markets, and industrial facilities. In this episode, Robert Taylor, the Deputy Office Director for New Reactors in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation at the NRC, takes listeners behind the scenes and discusses the Agency’s strides in the licensing of advanced reactors. Mr. Taylor demystifies the world of advanced reactors by discussing key differences between traditional and advanced reactors, the NRC’s existing and anticipated (Part 53) licensing framework for advanced reactor technologies, the status of the NRC’s licensing of applications for advanced reactor designs, and best practices for engaging with the Agency. 
With ecosystems ranging from lush wetlands to rolling forests, North Carolina hosts an incredible array of habitats. Incredibly, biologically diverse wetlands make up 12% of its land. But as one of the fastest-growing states, these vital habitats face increasing threats—including draining and infilling for development. Host Sarah Backer sits down with two Wilmington locals: Sam Shores, a World Wildlife Fund Panda Ambassador and conservation activist, and Roger Shew, Senior Lecturer at University of North Carolina Wilmington. Together, they discuss innovative climate-resilient development strategies, the pivotal role of conservation education, and the dynamic advocacy efforts shaping North Carolina's environmental future.

Relevant resources:
Analyzing the Consequences of Sackett v. EPA and Looking Ahead to the Future (ELI Webinar)
Swamps, Science, and Sackett: ELI's Approach to Wetland Preservation (ELI Podcast)  
Wetlands don't distinguish between public and private land. What does that mean for restoration practitioners? Tom Ries, founder of Ecosphere Restoration Institute, is an expert at leveraging public-private partnerships to maximize restoration efforts. In this episode, the 2013 National Wetlands Awardee discusses how living shorelines build resilience to climate change and his work to restore and protect wetlands in Florida.

In honor of American Wetlands Month, ELI is celebrating the National Wetlands Awards (NWA). Since 1989, the NWAs have been presented annually to individuals who have excelled in wetlands protection, restoration, and education. On this special miniseries of People Places Planet, Research Associate Isabella Blanco sit downs with past NWA winners to hear their stories. 
What role can communities play in wetlands restoration? Jess Hua, Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Hua Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is leading research that looks into ecological interactions of wetlands and how citizen science shapes community perceptions of these natural environments. In this episode, the 2022 National Wetlands Awardee discusses how diverse communication strategies can lead to a greater understanding of wetlands restoration and why it is important to center community perspectives in wetlands education.
In honor of American Wetlands Month, ELI is celebrating the National Wetlands Awards (NWA). Since 1989, the NWAs have been presented annually to individuals who have excelled in wetlands protection, restoration, and education. On this special miniseries of People Places Planet, Research Associate Isabella Blanco sit downs with past NWA winners to hear their stories. 

The theme of this year’s World Water Day is “Water for Peace”.  With over 2 billion people around the world lacking clean water access, tensions can arise within communities and between countries. Further complicating the issue, around 40 percent of the global population lives in a transboundary river basin, making transboundary water cooperation essential to effective water resource management. This episode explores how the Women in Water Diplomacy Network is empowering global women water decision-makers and experts to strengthen transboundary water cooperation. Host Sarah Backer is joined by Elizabeth Koch, Senior Manager for International Programs at ELI, and Gwendena Lee-Gatewood, the Co-Chair of the Indigenous Women's Leadership Network and former Tribal Chairwoman for the White Mountain Apache Tribe.  

Inspired? Reach out to Elizabeth Koch at koch@eli.org if you are interested in supporting and contributing to the Women in Water Diplomacy Network.  

Billions of people around the globe lack adequate access to clean water. This freshwater crisis will be exacerbated by climate change. Liquid Asset: How Business and Government Can Partner to Solve the Freshwater Crisis explores the rapidly expanding role of private businesses and markets in ensuring supply of clean, safe, reliable, and affordable water. In this week’s episode of People Places Planet, Phillip Womble, postdoctoral scholar at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University, sits down with author Buzz Thompson. Thompson is a Robert E. Paradise Professor of Natural Resources Law at Stanford Law School and a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment.  Tune in to learn more about how collaboration between business and government can help bring innovation to the water sector, from California to Cape Town.