Paul Chalmer

Former program manager for environmental programs, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences

The Supreme Court is Jeopardizing Federal Climate Action
Wired (by Gregory Barber)
June 30, 2022

Today, in a ruling on a nonexistent plan with nonexistent harms to the people who brought the suit, the Supreme Court took an opportunity to curb the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate power sector carbon emissions. In a summer of big decisions from the US Supreme Court, West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency was one of the stranger cases on the docket. For one thing, it concerned a dispute that didn’t really exist.

Nikki Cooley

Co-Manager of Tribes & Climate Change Program and Interim Assistant Director, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Ann Marie Chischilly

Vice President, Office of Native American Initiatives, Office of the President, Northern Arizona University

The Right to a Healthy Environment

Join the Environmental Law Institute, Delaware Law’s Global Environmental Rights Institute, Barry University’s Center for Earth Jurisprudence, the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER), the ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice (CRSJ), and the ABA Center for Human Rights for a breaking news series of webinars about the right to a healthy environment.

Zoe Vogel

Public Interest Environmental Law Fellow

Environmental Law Institute Releases Framework for “Migration With Dignity”
BE Magazine
April 11, 2022

Since the beginning of time, people have been on the move in hopes of a better life. Whether people relocate voluntarily in search of better jobs, or they are forced to leave their homes because of war or environmental displacement, all migrating people deserve to be treated with dignity. Sadly, human rights and human dignity are too often treated as an afterthought to the migration process. . . .