Mayor Cooper Launches Early 2022 Sustainability Agenda
Nashville.Gov (Mayor's Office Media Release)
February 1, 2022

Mayor John Cooper’s early 2022 sustainability agenda begins with a bold pledge: cut Metro government’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent. Meanwhile, the Mayor’s Office is working on a solar feasibility assessment for 600-plus city-owned sites as the mayor also pledged his support for a much-needed tree-planting effort. “America’s cities are on the front lines of combating climate change and increasing our resilience to natural disasters,” Mayor Cooper said. “Nashville has brought a sense of urgency and a practical, collaborative approach to getting this work done.

Study: Lessons learned from environmental justice screening tool development and resistance
Phys.Org (by Lori Atherton, Univ. of Mich.)
February 2, 2022

State-level environmental justice screening tools are being supported by environmental justice advocacy groups in Michigan and across the country, according to a new study from the University of Michigan. These  tools document the communities that are hardest hit by environmental injustices. In the new study, published online Feb.

Scott Drinkall

Ph.D. Student, Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University

 Catherine Wong

Team Leader for Climate and Security Risk, UN Development Programme

Ryan Maia

Community Engagement Consultant, Green Finance Platform