Research Reports

ELI publishes Research Reports available for free download that present the analysis and conclusions of the policy studies ELI undertakes to improve environmental law and policy. These reports contribute to education of the profession and disseminate diverse points of view and opinions to stimulate a robust and creative exchange of ideas. Those publications, which express opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Institute, its Board of Directors, or funding organizations, exemplify ELI’s commitment to dialogue with all sectors.
Frank S. Arnold
July 1999

This article reviews the evidence that can be brought to bear to verify or refute accusations that environmental regulation is too expensive, reduces economic growth, hurts international competitiveness, and causes widespread layoffs and plant closures.. In all cases, these assertions do not stand up to a careful examination of the facts. First, we do indeed spend a considerable amount on environmental protection, but not as much as we do on health care and national defense

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Suellen T. Keiner, Environmental Law Institute
June 1999

This report provides summaries of 43 federal and state court decisions on environmental data.

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Locating Livestock: How Water Pollution Control Efforts Can Use Information from
James M. McElfish Jr., Environmental Law Institute
June 1999

This report analyzed whether and how animal facilities potentially subject to regulation could be located using data from existing state regulatory programs. The study outlines existing programs that deal with water pollution from animal facilities, and it describes pollution-control and other regulatory programs that generate lists of animal facilities. It also suggests how water quality programs can work with other agriculture regulatory programs to encourage compliance with pollution control requirements.

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Byron Swift, Environmental Law Institute
May 1999

This report analyzes the legal and economic factors, and provides an assessment of the cost and benefits, associated with increasing the use of natural gas for electric generation. It looks at the important preliminary issue of whether there is an adequate supply of natural gas available. Five scenarios of future natural gas supply, based on similar data but differing assumptions of the rate of technical progress or price changes are presented below. These scenarios include, Official Estimates, Historical Trends, Rapid Technology Growth, Low Prices and High Prices.

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Byron Swift, Environmental Law Institute
May 1999

This report presents and synthesizes current research regarding the Porter hypothesis that theorizes the cost of implementing environmental regulations may be significantly reduced by low-cost processes and other innovations. The report offers various perspectives on the hypothesis, drawing from economics, organizational, and legal theory. An appendix to the report presents the summary of a workshop held on April 30th, 1999 that brought together some of the leading researchers on the subject.

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