Indiana Code §§ 32-21-5-1--12

Requires sellers of property containing up to four dwelling units to complete a Seller's Residential Real Estate Sales Disclosure form. Rules adopted under the law (876 Ind. Admin. Code 9-1-2) establish the disclosure form, which requires sellers to disclose knowledge of hazardous conditions on the property, including radon gas, mold, other biological contaminants, lead paint, asbestos insulation, methane gas, PCBs, and toxic materials, as well as moisture or water problems. (See Form 46234 at:

Indiana Code §§ 16-41-37.5-1--4
Requires the Department of Health to adopt rules establishing an IAQ inspection, evaluation, and parent/employee notification program. Provides that, upon written air quality complaint, the Department shall inspect a school or state agency and issue a report of its findings. Requires the inspection report to identify conditions that could contribute to poor IAQ, provide guidance on steps to address IAQ issues, and request a response from the school or agency within 60 days. Directs the Department to assist the school or agency in developing a reasonable plan to improve IAQ conditions found during the inspection. Requires the Department to develop and revise every 3 years a manual of school IAQ best practices and requires the manual to include recommendations for radon testing. Regulations (410 Ind. Admin. Code 33-1-1 et seq.) address inspection procedures; designation of a school IAQ coordinator; and minimum facility criteria, including requirements for addressing mold and water intrusion and for ensuring that pollutants from construction activities do not enter occupied spaces.
Indiana Code § 16-19-3-7
Authorizes the Department of Health to conduct indoor air quality inspections of all public buildings and institutions occupied by a state or local government agency.
Indiana Code §§ 16-41-38-1--10
Requires the state to establish a certification program for persons engaged in radon testing and abatement, and provides for reciprocity. Requires the state to adopt rules requiring training and education as conditions for certification, as well as continuing education and biennial reexamination. Regulations adopted under the law (410 Ind. Admin. Code 5.1-1-1 et seq.) establish certification requirements. Law also requires the state to use any relevant standards or requirements concerning radon gas established by the U.S. EPA.