Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Rock River Basin Webinar Series: Wetland Restoration in the Rock River Basin

July 15, 2013 12:27 pm — 12:27 pm

Scientists and managers have long recognized the utility and efficiency in connecting floodplain management, flood hazard mitigation, and wetland management, but government resources are not allocated in such a manner as to foster collaboration among these institutions. Funding is often tied to specific agency priorities and hazard mitigation and habitat conservation staff rarely collaborate. The goal of the Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Rock River Basin webinar series is to identify opportunities for emergency, floodplain, and wetland management agencies to work together to maximize the flood control and ecosystem service benefits of our wetlands, thereby saving financial and environmental resources and building community resilience to climate change.


Wetland Restoration in the Rock River Basin

Protecting and restoring Wisconsin’s wetlands and watersheds requires the involvement of many partner agencies and organizations. This webinar focused on a range of programs and partners conducting, overseeing, or monitoring wetland restoration projects in the Rock River Basin and throughout the state. First, Caroline Clarin from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Jeanne Scherer from the Rock River Coalition discussed NRCS wetland restoration programs and public-non-profit partnerships. Caroline Clarin focused on the technical aspects of restoring wetlands, drawing on her experiences with Jefferson Marsh, the Zeloski Marsh, and other wetlands in the Rock River Basin. Jeanne Scherer presented the results of post-restoration monitoring at Zeloski Marsh, including the results of the Bioblitz conducted there in May 2013. Then Kurt Waterstradt talked about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and his one-on-one work with private landowners and other partners to plan, implement, and monitor restoration projects. Finally, Pam Schense from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources discussed Wisconsin’s new wetland mitigation regulations and how the new rules are likely to affect mitigation in the state.


  • Caroline Clarin, Agricultural Engineer, Natural Resources Conservation Service (pdf)
  • Jeanne Scherer, Wetland Monitoring Coordinator, Rock River Coalition
  • Kurt Waterstradt, Wisconsin Private Lands Coordinator, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Partners Program (pdf)
  • Pam Schense, Wetland Mitigation Coordinator, WI Department of Natural Resources (pdf)

Recording of the event


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The 2013 Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Rock River Basin Webinar Series is made possible by generous support from the McKnight Foundation.