Technology, Innovation and the Environment Program Publications
The next generation of environmental challenges and opportunities will be shaped by shifts in the way we think, make, and innovate. ELI’s Innovation Lab focuses on how we can better understand the environmental impacts and opportunities created through emerging technologies and their underlying innovation systems, structural changes in the economy, and new roles for the public in environmental protection. We welcome you to browse through our publications, categorized by topics of interest.
Environmental Impacts of the Digital Economy
An Environmentalist's Guide to Quantum Computing (ISOC) (2022)
Social and environmental analysis of food waste abatement via the peer-to-peer sharing economy (2020)
Blockchain Technology and the Sustainable Supply Chain: Theoretically Exploring Adoption Barriers (2020)
Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Ridesourcing: A Case Study of Arcade City in Austin, Texas (2020)
The Carbon Footprint of Ride-Hailing: GHG Inventory Methodology (2020)
Social and Environmental Analysis of Food Waste Abatement via the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy (2020)
Artificial Intelligence
Governing AI: The Importance of Environmentally Sustainable and Equitable Innovation (2020)
When Software Rules: Rule of Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (2018), or
Click here to Listen to Dave Rejeski talk about this Report (2018)
Environmentalism in the Next Machine Age (2017)
When Cars Lie (2017)
Blockchain Salvation (2018)
Citizen Science
Citizen Science Programs at Environmental Agencies: Case Studies (2020)
Citizen Science Programs at Environmental Agencies: Best Practices (2020)
Field Notes: Citizen Science and Agency Activities (2020)
Citizen Science and Environmental Agency Programs in the United States (2020)
Toward Citizen Science Policy Outcomes (2019)
Report - Clearing the Path: Citizen Science and Public Decision Making in the United States (2016)
Internet of Things
Earth's Electronic Skin (2022)
3D Printing
Environmental Disruptors Podcast: 3D Printing Food Waste (2019)
3D Printing and Maker Spaces (2019)
A Boon or a Bane? (2015)
Bioengineering the Future (2021)
Trips to the Biotech Frontier: Episodes 1, 2, 3 (2019)
A Future Without Fertilizer how Microbes are Changing Traditional Agriculture Practices (2019)
Preparing for the Future of Biotechnology (2017)
Synthetic Biology in the United States: A Brief History of An Emerging Innovation System (2017)
In Case You Missed It…The Future of Biotechnology (2017)
Environmental Disruptors: Weed like a Sustainable Cannabis Industry (2019)
Environmental Disruptors: Brewing Cannabis with Beer Yeast (2019)
Environmental Disruptors: Breaking the Grass Ceiling of Cannabis Cultivation (2019)
A History of EPAs Regulation of Pesticide Use on Cannabis.pdf (2019)
Pesticide Use in the Cannabis Industry (2019)
Pesticide Compliance in the Cannabis Industry (2019)
Cellular Agriculture
Perceptions of Cellular Agriculture: Key Findings From Qualitative Research (2017)
Environmental Law meets e-Commerce: Electronic Impact (1999)
The Environmental Impact of the Service Sector: An Incomplete Picture (1997)
Chapter 8 - Addressing the Risks of Nanomaterials under United States and European Union Regulatory Frameworks for Chemicals," in Assessing Nanoparticle Risks to Human Health (2016)
Revolutions in Making (2014)
The Nanotechnology Challenge Creating Legal Institutions for Uncertain Risks (2012)
Managing the Molecular Economy (2010)
Regulation of Nanoscale Materials Under Media-Specific Environmental Laws (2010)
International Coordination and Cooperation: The Next Agenda in Nanomaterials Regulation (2010)
Securing the Promise of Nanotechnologies: Towards Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation (2009)
Consumer Labelling of Nanomaterials: Convergence or Divergence? (2009)
Regulating Nanomaterials: A Transatlantic Agenda (2009)
Application of the Toxics Release Inventory to Nanomaterials (2008)
Overseeing the Unseeable: The Challenge of Nanotechnology (2007)
The ELI Nanotechnology Deskbook (2007)
Governing Uncertainty: The Nanotechnology Environmental, Health, and Safety Challenge (2006)
A Framework Convention for Nanotechnology? (2006)
Governance Structures for Nanotechnology Regulation in the European Union (2006)
Nanotechnology Oversight and Regulation--Just Do It (2006)
Flexibility, Clarity, and Legitimacy: Considerations for Managing Nanotechnology Risks (2006)
Keeping Pace With Nanotechnology: A Proposal for a New Approach to Environmental Accountability (2006)
Securing the Promise of Nanotechnology: Is U.S. Environmental Law Up To the Job? A Dialogue (2005)
Environmental Law Institute Issue Paper (2005)
Nanotechnology: The Next Small Thing (2004)
Technological Change & Environmentalism
The Rise of the Sustainable Enterprise (2020)
Novel Entities and Technologies: Environmental Benefits and Risks (2020)
Digital Technology Opportunities in the Colorado River Basin (2019)
A New Environmentalism: The Need for a Total Strategy for Environmental Protection (2018)
Novel Entities and GEF: Background Paper (2018)
Blindsided by Change: Slow Threats and Environmental Policy (2017)
Environmentalism in a Post-Ownership Society (2017)
Any Big Ideas Left? (2011)
More Humility and Try to Get it Right This Time (2004)
Progress Happens, But What Kind? (2003)
The Importance of Business Dynamics (1999)
20 Years of Crazy Ideas:
Dave Rejeski, Director of ELI's Technology, Innovation and the Environment Project, started writing for ELI's policy journal, The Environmental Forum, in 1997, starting with a story on the environmental implications of the service sector and most recently ending with a piece on the sharing economy. Here is the whole trip:
- The Post Ownership Society, The Environmental Forum, September/October 2017
The environmental impacts of the sharing economy may not be unequivocally positive or negative but will depend on sticky norms, policy nudges, and human preferences. There may also be tipping points in capacity utilization, which could impact policy decisions. - Any Big Ideas Left?, The Environmental Forum, September/October 2011
Clearly, we are not running out of problems, but are we running out of solutions? At this point, it is not clear what paradigm, or more broadly, what vision, drives thinking about our collective environmental future. - Managing the Molecular Economy, The Environmental Forum (cover story), January/February 2010
Pretty much as predicted, the long awaited convergence of nanotechnology and biotechnology has arrived. Can environmental protection, still cleaning up the last Industrial Revolution, avoid the perils while realizing the promises of manufacturing at an atomic scale? - Overseeing the Unseeable, The Environmental Forum (cover story), November/December 2007 (with Terry Davies)
Nanotechnology is the perfect test case for the future of environmental protection…Oversight will require a variety of approaches – voluntary and involuntary, public and private, market-based and rule-based. - The Next Small Thing, The Environmental Forum, March/April 2004
Nanotechnology is not the next industrial revolution, but it will converge with ongoing revolutions in information technology and biotechnology to create it. The environmental community has a chance to guide the coming Info-Bio-Nano Revolution in ways that avoid the mistakes of the first industrial revolution — and harness this one for environmental improvement. - Electronic Impact, The Environmental Forum (cover story), July/August 1999.
The era of e-commerce has arrived. Selling and purchasing by both consumers and businesses will change form, and demand will be created for new products and services and how they are delivered. It’s time to start thinking of the environmental impact, and how unlikely our present regulatory system will be able to address it. - An Incomplete Picture, The Environmental Forum (cover story), September/October 1997.
Though the services may not be at the end of the pipe, they have a significant effect and its size and contents. Yet we are only beginning to understand the environmental impacts – and opportunities – the sector presents.
Journal Articles:
- Novel Entities and Technologies: Environmental Benefits and Risks, Environmental Science & Policy, November 2019.
- More Humility and Try to Get it Right This Time, The Environmental Forum, November/December 2004
- Progress Happens, But What Kind?, The Environmental Forum, January/February 2003
- The Importance of Business Dynamics, The Environmental Forum, July/August 1999
- Environmentalism in the Next Machine Age, Vibrant Environment, Feb. 6, 2017
- In Case You Missed It…The Future of Biotechnology, Vibrant Environment, Jan 11, 2017
- Media, M.D., Huffington Post, Nov. 4, 2014
- Communicating Science, Caveman Style, Huffington Post, Jan. 31, 2013
- Escaping the Cliff: In Search of Real Budget Heroes (with Don Kettl), Huffington Post, Dec. 27, 2012