Restoration Approaches/Techniques -- Emerging Issues and Topics: Barrier Removal
ELI is hosting a series of webinars on the policy, practice, and science of stream compensatory mitigation. Webinar topics are based on the findings and recommendations of the 2017 report Stream Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice and selected in coordination with an Advisory Committee of stream mitigation experts. The series will cover a range of issues from assessing stream functions and conditions to restoration approaches and long-term success of compensation projects. This ten-part series is funded by an EPA Wetland Program Development Grant.
Stream Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Restoration Approaches - Emerging Issues and Topics: Barrier Removal
The science of stream restoration continues to evolve rapidly, and new restoration techniques are emerging. This webinar will discuss barrier removal - one of the new and emerging techniques - and how it fits into the 404-regulatory framework. Selective removal of outdated dams and other barriers to free-flowing rivers may provide durable and successful conservation outcomes, including significant water quality and habitat benefits. There have been, however, few dam removal project approved in the 404 or ESA compensatory mitigation markets. The newly released Army Corps' Regulatory Guidance Letter (download at addresses how regulators should approach dam removal for mitigation crediting, providing guidance on many common regulatory issues associated with dam removal. This panel will explore: the benefits of such an approach, particularly relative to more commonly used stream restoration methods; an overview of barriers to more widespread adoption of the practice, and reflection on the new Corps guidance; and examples of successful projects that have generated 404 or ESA credits.
- Jessica Wilkinson: Senior Policy Advisor, Mitigation; The Nature Conservancy
- Ruth Ladd: Mitigation Program Manager; US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
- Adam Riggsbee: President; RiverBank Conservation
- Amy Singler: Director, River Restoration; American Rivers & The Nature Conservancy
Wilkinson Presentation
Additional Information/Resources:
Visit ELI's resource page, The State of Stream Compensatory Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice
Download The Nature Conservancy's Creating an Environmental Market for Stream Barrier Removal