The CWA 303(d) and 319 Protection Learning Exchange — Presentations and Materials

The CWA 303(d) and 319 Protection Learning Exchange — Presentations and Materials



Session 1: Welcome

Watershed-based Planning and Protection of New Hampshire Surface Waters -- Steve Landry (NH)


Session 2: The Many Meanings of "Protection"

Draft Nonpoint Source Protection Report: Approaches for integrating the protection of healthy waters in nonpoint source management programs

The Compendium of State Approaches to Protection


Session 3: Watershed Planning with Protection in Mind, Part 1

Protection Planning in 303(d) Vision and 319/NPS Programs -- Jayne Carlin (EPA R10)

Kansas Protection TMDLs -- Tom Stiles (KS)

Watershed Planning for Protection -- Julia Kirkwood (MI)

303d Vision and 319/NPS Restoration and Protection Plans Table

Grouse Creek Watershed TMDL


Session 4: Watershed Planning with Protection in Mind, Part 2

Enhancing Natural Hazard Resilience through Nonpoint Source Management -- Ellie Flaherty (EPA HQ)

Factoring Climate Change into Protection Plans -- Ashley Beranek and Pamela Toshner (WI)

Environmental Justice in 303(d) and 319 Programs in New Mexico -- Heidi Henderson (NM)


Session 5: Protection Management Strategies

North Carolina Protection -- Cam McNutt (NC)

Protection Implementation -- Hannah Riedl (MT)

Improving and Protecting Alaska's Water Quality -- Laura Eldred (AK)


Session 6: Protection Goals, Milestones, and Metrics

Incorporating Lake Protection Priorities in Watershed Planning -- Greg Johnson (MN)


Session 7: Tracking, Evaluating, Reporting, and Communicating Protection

Tracking Restoration and Protection Plan Implementation -- Cam McNutt (NC)


Session 8: Connecting Conservation Efforts with Outside Partners


Session 9: Protection Partnerships

Why Protection and Partnerships? -- Laura Eldred (AK)

Working with Project Partners to Restore Natural Floodplain Function -- Rebecca Schwartz (CTUIR)

Protection Partnerships in Maine -- Amanda Pratt (ME)


Session 10: Resource Showcase 

Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grants and Advancing Watershed Protection through Land Conservation: A Guide for Land Trusts -- Steve Epting (EPA HQ) and Sequoya Bua-Iam (EPA HQ - ORISE Fellow)

Advancing Watershed Protection through Land Conservation: A Guide for Land Trusts

Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grants