2017 National Training Workshop on CWA 303(d) Listing & TMDLs Presentations
Session 1: Water Quality Framework
Overview of the Water Quality Framework - Dwane Young (EPA HQ) [originally prepared in Prezi]
Session 2: The CWA 303(d) TAS Rule
Treatment as a State for §303(d) Authority - Nancy Schuldt (FdL)
Session 4: Innovations in TMDL Development
Hydrology Calibration with PRISM - Mindy Ramsey (WV)
TMDL Prioritization, Public Process, and Streamlining - Erin Rasnake (FL)
TMDL Calculators Facilitate Allocation - Wade Cantrell (SC)
Small Group Trainings
The Monthly Water Balance Model Futures Project and Portal - Andrew Bock (USGS)
Preliminary Healthy Watersheds Assessments & RPS Tools - Doug Norton (EPA HQ)
Session 7: Urban Waters
Using CADDIS for Causal Assessment in Urban Streams - Kate Schofield (EPA HQ)
Leveraging Policy & Public Funds to Restore Waters in the District of Columbia - Jeff Seltzer (DC)
EPA's Urban Waters Program - Roy Simon (EPA HQ)
Session 8: Nonpoint Source Integration
The Bad Axe Creek TMDL/WMP Hybrid - Molly Rippke (MI)
Update: Nebraska's 5-Alt - Laura Johnson (NE)
Prairie Dog Creek Watershed Plan to TMDL - Sol Brich (WY)